Chatbot: Optimization and efficiency in customer service - Ilia

Chatbot: Optimization and efficiency in customer service - Ilia


In our previous blog, we used ChatGPT API to deliver app review analysis which demonstrated ChatGPT capability to handle text in scale. Today’s blog further explores other API that are developed by OpenAI to streamline workflow and improve productivity.

Imagine you are a data scientist who is exploring ways to improve the inflight wifi experience. You received a lot of feedback complaining about how to use the wifi. Passengers need to reach out cabin crew or visit the FAQ page to solve that. Obviously, passengers are expected to receive instant and personalised customer support. So what can you do ?

<aside> 🗨️ Develop a chatbot…


A chatbot allows passengers to get responses instantly and minimize cabin crew’s workload.

In today’s blog, we leverage OpenAI Assistants API develop an inflight wifi customer service chatbot to handle passengers’ queries.

Assistants API

What is Assistants API ?

Assistants API by OpenAI empowers developers to integrate AI assistants into applications. These assistants interpret instructions and utilize tools like Code Interpreter, Retrieval, and Function Calling to respond to user queries. The integration flow involves several steps.

How Assistants work - OpenAI

How Assistants work - OpenAI

1/ Creating an Assistant with custom instructions and selecting a model

2/ Initiating a conversation Thread

3/ Adding user message to a thread

4/ Running the Assistant to generate responses

Steps will be elaborated in the SETUP section. By leveraging the Assistants API, developers can enhance user experiences and functionality within their applications through the implementation of intelligent AI assistants. For details, please refer to this link.

Assistants API and OpenAI-hosted Tools: Complete Guide and Walk-through for Beginners - Reddit

Assistants API and OpenAI-hosted Tools: Complete Guide and Walk-through for Beginners - Reddit

Why do we use Assistants API instead of ChatGPT API ? What’s the difference ?

One of the limitations using ChatGPT API is providing response based on public data. It cannot read custom data thus it cannot deliver a personalized response. In Assistants API, retrieval is the tool which scans and references uploaded document to respond any queries. The technical term of doing this process is Retrieval Augmented Generation.