

Imagine you are a data scientist in an app development company and senior management wants to understand the app performance. One of the ideas is to read reviews uploaded by the app users to see whether they like the app. However, It is time consuming to build a model to deliver any form of text analysis including summarising the app performance and sentiment analysis, not to mention visualizing the data. Your boss is asking for the analysis in 2 hours. What should you do ?

<aside> 💡 The answer is ChatGPT



ChatGPT User Interface - OpenAI

ChatGPT User Interface - OpenAI

What is ChatGPT ?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, designed to understand and generate human-like text in a conversational manner. Imagine having a chat with a computer that can talk to you just like a person would. It has been trained on a massive amount of information from the internet, learning all sorts of things like grammar, facts, and even some common sense.

Whether an user is asking questions, seeking information, or just having a friendly chat, ChatGPT can generate responses that sound incredibly human. The user interact with it by giving it prompts or asking questions, and it generates answers on the fly.

What can ChatGPT do ?

ChatGPT excels at text analysis, offering a range of capabilities that make it a versatile tool in understanding and generating human-like text. Its primary strength lies in natural language processing, allowing it to comprehend and respond to text-based inputs in a conversational manner.

  1. Conversational Understanding: ChatGPT interprets the context of the conversation, maintaining relevance and continuity in its responses. This makes it valuable for chat-based applications and interactive user interfaces.
  2. Information Retrieval: Users can ask questions or request information, and ChatGPT can generate responses based on its vast pre-training data. It effectively processes and retrieves information from its learned knowledge base, making it useful for quick information lookup.
  3. Text Summarization: ChatGPT has the ability to summarize lengthy passages or documents. It can distill key information and present it in a concise form, aiding in content digestion and comprehension.
  4. Sentiment Analysis: The model can analyze the sentiment expressed in a given piece of text. It understands the emotional tone and can identify whether the text conveys a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.
  5. Language Translation: ChatGPT can assist in language translation tasks. Given a text in one language, it can generate a corresponding translation in another language, showcasing its potential in multilingual applications.


Clearly, ChatGPT can help us to deliver text analysis in our app review report within hours of time. However, it is extremely repetitive if I need to copy each app user’s comment to ChatGPT user interface. It is not a scaleable solution. Luckily, ChatGPT provides API for developers to handle that. ChatGPT API offers several advantages over the user interface for certain applications.

Why use ChatGPT API instead ?