In this section, we will go through several common sorting and searching algorithms. During software engineer or data scientist interview, you may be asked to code the algorithms by scratch, even without Numpy and all built in functions. We will explain the concepts, features and code behind the algorithms.

What is sorting algorithm ?

Sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. In our examples, we sort the elements by ascending order.

What is searching algorithm ?

Searching algorithm is an algorithm that search the target element from the elements in a list and return its location.

Why are they so important ?

They are considered as the fundamentals in data structure and widely applicable in our daily life, for example searching keywords in a website, sorting score in a spreadsheet. From an interview perspective, it is an effective way to test your coding and logical skills without tapping into any complex algorithms. It is strongly recommended to read below sections and try to code yourself before any interviews !!


Sorting Algorithms

Searching Algorithms