Caption: Klarna AI assistant handles two-thirds of customer service chats in its first month / Klarna

Caption: Klarna AI assistant handles two-thirds of customer service chats in its first month / Klarna


Imagine you are a data scientist in an app development company and the company released a feature recently. You are assigned to deliver insights about that. What should you do ?

Most of the time data scientists would rush to tap into the database and process the raw data through data engineering. Little time is spent to think the best way sharing data insights and let the audience buy in their findings.

In this blog, we are going to introduce 3 simple rules for explaining insights to anyone. We will use Klarna AI assistant press release to illustrate the best way on delivering data insights. Following these rules strengthens your story telling skills and ultimately make an impact using data.

<aside> 🤖 Working as Data Scientist is not only about data crunching. It is about how to leverage data to make an informed decisions.



First, stay away from your laptop and ask yourself two questions…

<aside> 💡 Who are the audience ? and what do they want ?


The audience is mostly either general public (external stakeholders) or senior management in your firm (internal stakeholders). These stakeholders are not technical people and not expected to understand all the technical terms and process about data. What they truly want are insights.

<aside> 🎯 People want insights that can measure the impact and help them to make decisions.


In order to help the audience to make decision, we need to answer these questions.

  1. Do they understand what we are saying ? Are we saying the same language ?

    → Rule 1: No Jargon

    → Rule 2: Get Graphic

  2. Do they know the impact ? What is the ultimate metric to measure the impact ?

    → Rule 3. Link to money

To answer question 1, we further breakdown into two rules. First, drop all the jargons and use simple words instead. Second, get it visible to their mind. Third, try to measure the impact in terms of monetary value. Money is everything.

CASE - Klarna AI Assistant

Klarna, a prominent global platform for payments and shopping, developed an AI assistant powered by OpenAI and launch it globally few months ago. It circulated a press release talking about the AI assistant first month performance. The 7-bullet point message is a great example on following these 3 rules to deliver data insights to anyone.

Caption: Klarna AI assistant handles two-thirds of customer service chats in its first month / Klarna

Caption: Klarna AI assistant handles two-thirds of customer service chats in its first month / Klarna

RULE 1 - No Jargon

Explaining technical terms in simple language is crucial for effective communication across diverse audiences. By breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms, individuals who may not have specialized knowledge in a particular field can grasp important information more easily. This practice fosters inclusivity and promotes accessibility, allowing a wider range of people to engage with and benefit from technical knowledge.